Very Funny my Friends - I am a Tombstone Toucher, a Headstone Fondler, etc.
OK, so I have been getting teased for the last few weeks about a video that the local newspaper did. It all started innocently enough, a reporter calls me and wanted to ask questions about FindAGrave - that lead to a discussion on tombstone symbolism. The reporter asked if I could meet her at one of the cemeteries and show her some of the symbols I was talking about. Of course, really, what genealogist would turn down any trip to a cemetery. Anyway, she asked if she could video me talking about symbolism. Not a problem, but she caught me a few times "fondling" a few headstones and video taped me at times I did not know she was shooting (she was using her phone to record). I did not think it was so apparent, you can judge for yourselves.....the video can be viewed at: So yes my dear friends, I confess. I do fondle tombstones, pet headstones, and touch markers. I can't seem to help myse...