Sepia Saturday - High Style Fashion Hat, Julietta Hyman Wills

Julietta Hyman Wills
Sepia Saturday 164:  I decided to show off a picture of  a distant relative, Julietta, and her "lovely" and hopefully one of a kind hat.


Boobook said…
It's great that you lovely photo was named - so many of the old ones are not.
Wendy said…
And a fancy hair-do to go with it!
tony said…
Get Ahead Get A Hat!
Mike Brubaker said…
A very nice photo. Do you know her age?
Brett Payne said…
This looks like a tintype - is it? There was a huge variety of hats around in the latter half of the 19th Century, and a good portion of them looked as if they had a bird nesting on top.
ScotSue said…
A beautiful photograph. You are so lucky to have such a picture of an ancestor.

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