Miottel, Skibbe, Poundstone, and Clark

The hunt continues for those elusive ancestors and genealogy sources.

The Clark family settled in in the area of Lawrence, Illinois in the 1840's - they also resided in Avena, St. Elmo, and Vera, Illinois.

Originally from German the Poundstone's settled in Maryland, Ohio, Indiana and finally in Illinois. Bement and Monticello, Piatt County, Illinois are the locations that my Grandmother, Ruby Poundstone, grew up.

The Miottels have been a difficult family to trace. Census records have been found under Miottel, Miattel, Meotell etc. The family came to America in the 1860's from Vitrose, Lauenburg, Pommern, Germany and originally settled in Illinois.

The Skibbe's are also from Germany - the Posen, , Thüringen, area and Gross Duebsow, Pommern, Rheinland-Pfalz. Wilhelm Skibbe settled the family first in Chicago and later in Denham, Indiana.


Anonymous said…
Family history indicate that my Greatgrandfather came to the USA in 1870 from Vitrose, Germany. I cannot find a feographic location for Vitrose. Can you help me locate the village? Thanks

Amy Urman said…
Vitrose is located in Lauenburg, Prussia currently LeBork, Poland. Check out Pomerania Atlantic Bridge to Germany by Linda Herrick and Wendy K. Uncapher, Origins Publishers www.OriginsBooks.com
Anonymous said…
Thanks so much Amy. With the help of a fried from Germany, we located a reference to "Vitrose Street" just NE of LeBork, Poland. It is on Mapquest at this citation:


Thanks so much, VB
Amy Urman said…
So glad I could help!
Anonymous said…
My gg grandmother Marie (Skibbe) Fischer was born in Vitrose, Kries Lauenburg, Prussia in 1860. Her parents were Julius and Auguste (Blassman?) Skibbe. Marie had several siblings. The whole family came to America around 1874. I would love to collaborate if possible. My e-mail is familyhunter70@aol.com
Ward John Miottel, Jr. said…
In the thirties, the Ward Miottel family lived on the East side of Detroit. Their next door neighbors were the Skibbes. Quite a coincidence!

Ward john Miottel, Jr.
P.S. WJM #3 & #4 are now around.

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