November catch up

I've been neglectful of my blog.  I have spent quite a bit of time organizing my files and working on the NGS Home Study Course.  My client's have been keeping me busy, life has been treating me well.  My paper pile has decreased greatly, put in their proper place with citations on them.  Although not completed I hope to have the remaining papers cited and filed before the year's end. I am plodding along with the NGS course.  I really like the feedback we get from the instructors.  

I had an opportunity to attend the Mesa My Ancestors Found event earlier this month.  I wish that they had offered more advanced classes but all in all if was a good event.  My favorite was Mark Tucker of Think Genealogy.  He is a wonderful speaker.  I also had a chance to catch up with Lisa Louise Cooke at Genealogy Gems.  There is a classy lady.  Our local society, Arizona State Genealogical Society, has two our our buttons posted on her website.



Hi Amy and thanks for mentioning my genealogy website and podcast. It was wonderful meeting you in person and LOTS of people commented on the Google button you gave me. Thanks sweetie! Lisa

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