52 Weeks To Better Genealogy - Challenge 3

Assess yourself! You’re great at researching everyone else’s history, but how much of your own have you recorded? Do an assessment of your personal records and timeline events to ensure your own life is as well-documented as that of your ancestors. If you have a genealogy blog, write about the status of your own research and steps you may take to fill gaps and document your own life.
I have ignored myself in my genealogy search.  I had entered marriage info, birth info, with a few vitals, of course my children show up in my timeline.  Things that I did not have in my timeline were high school and college information, employers and occupation, study tours I went on, and residence changes.   I found a copy of my senior picture and my freshman high school id in the process! I think now I am all caught up.  This was a great challenge!


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