Surname Saturday

Poundstone: Literal translation of German Pfundstein, probably a metonymic occupational name for a weighing official or a merchant who used stones as weights (definition from

My  Poundstone line begins with my paternal grandmother, Ruby Pearl Poundstone.  She was born in Cerro Gordo, Piatt, Illinois.  Her father, Ora Pearl Poundstone, was born in Young America, Cass, Indiana and died in Bement, Piatt, Illinois.  Ora's father, Richard Poundstone born in 1838 in Bowling Greene, Licking, Ohio and died in Bement, Piatt, Illinois.  Richard's father, John Nicholas Poundstone, was born in Fayette County, Pennsylvania and died in Young America, Cass, Indiana.John N. Poundstone's father, Phillip Poundstone began life in Pennsylvania and died in Licking County, Ohio.  Richard Poundstone, born in 1724 in Germany is the earliest known Poundstone in my line.  He died and raised his family in Pennsylvania.  My line is fairly well documented through John Nicholas Poundstone.  Research is needed to verify Phillip and Richard Poundstone.


Short and to the point. Very nicely done, thank you!

May you keep sharing your ancestor stories!

Bill ;-)
Author of Back to the Homeplace
Amy Urman said…
Thank you Bill, I am not much of a writer but I do enjoy sharing! I appreciate your encouragment.
Amy Brucker said…
Interesting! I have information stating Reinhart Punstein was born in Framersheim Germany in 1736. Perhaps several Richard Poundstones came to the US? I think it was a common name.

Have you contacted:

Daniel Bly
Author of “From the Rhine to the Shenandoah” which includes info on the Punsteins/Poundstones

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