NGS Conference and the Family History Library

The conference starts in the morning and I can't wait.  I drove in from Tucson to Salt Lake in about twelve hours on Sunday.  I have spent time at the library both on Monday and today.  I found a great great grandparents will and probate records on microfilm, spent about three hours reading parish records in German with no luck, and located some land and genealogy information that I copied and have not yet sat down and reviewed. 

I also took the time to enjoy the tulips in the square, took a tour on the Beehive house, wandered down Main Street, and really enjoyed the city - until the winds started.  Luckily I found a Rite-Aid on Main Street and bought allergy and decongestant medication.  The dust blowing around forced me to take out my contacts and switch to glasses.  Here's hoping the weather improves in the morning.


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