Ancestry Digital Scanning

Ancestry offered free document and picture scanning at the NGS conference and I took full advantage of their help.  I brought with me from Tucson some original documents and photos from the early 1900's.  I guess I could have scanned them myself but the high speed, high tech scanners Ancestry had available did a much better job (and faster too) than I could have accomplished.

The Ancestry scanning team took my envelope of precious information, scanned them and provided me with THREE flash drives with my images.  I have uploaded two of the flash drives and sorted the images into the appropriate  files on Legacy and on my computer.  One image was of the Poundstone family tree drawn by George Poundstone in 1933.  George's work was very intricate and on a very odd sized paper.  Now I have a wonderful image that I can send to family and share with others researching the Poundstone line without finding a printer that can photocopy the tree.

Thank you Ancestry for providing such a wonderful service to genealogists!


GrannyPam said…
What a wonderful drawing, how wonderful that you now have a digital copy!
Amy Brucker said…
My name is Amy and I have a digital copy of this tree, but it is black with white letters (harder to read).

Anyway, I am a descendant of Bazel Bowell and Catherine Poundstone, but I've noticed that this family tree does not list this line. I wish I knew why.

We believe we are from Richard's (the first Richard) son Philip's line, but Bazel and Catherine's children are not listed. Nor does there appear to be a Bazel on the tree under any other "branch."

What line do you come from?

I'd love to learn more and share information if you need any. I have some interesting tidbits I can email to you if you are interested. :)
Amy Urman said…
I am descended through
Ruby Poundstone - Grandmother
Ora Pearl Poundstone- Great Grandfather
Richard Poundstone-Great Great
John Nicholas -3rd Great
Philip - 4th Great
and finally Richard - 5th Great

My father and some of his siblings are not included on the tree - the tree was drawn prior to their birth.

It was my understanding that the tree was drawn by information provided by family members and obtained at family reunions. I would think it would be possible that portions of the family may not have attended the reunions or may have lost touch with family members as they moved around.

I know my family spent a good deal of time traveling back and forth between Illinois, Indiana and Arkansas.

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