Morris Durbin Estate 1822-1880

I finished scanning, transcribing and linking every piece of the probate file for 2nd Great Grandfather Morris Durbin.  The file did confirm his children by both marriages through the disbursements made from the estate. I consider that a big deal considering he had sixteen children with his two wives, fifteen of whom were alive during the process of the probate. I still need to do additonal research to locate the land records referred to by the file. 

There was an interesting payment of $50 at the same time and of the same amount of the payments that were made to the children to a man I have never heard of before.  I do not think that he is a creditor since the creditors appear to have been paid out a year earlier.  Ah, another clue to follow up on.

Now that I have almost finished up with this file it would be very convenient for the probate file of John Nicholas Poundstone to show up in the mail.  Let's hope for a little be of luck in that regard.


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