Poundstone Death Certificates

I guess I needed to go out of town for the death certificates I ordered to be delivered.  They were a pleasant  surprise after a long weekend of exploring in Arizona and New Mexico.  The good news is that I now have evidence that the five Poundstone's that I thought were relatives from Cass County Indiana are indeed my relatives.

I also was surprised that the clerk at the Cass County Health Department went that extra mile and included the birth locations of the parents on all five of the decedents death certificate. I should note that I ordered the genealogical certificates versus the certified original. 

George Washington Poundstone who is  my 2nd Great Uncle was killed by lightning.  The death certificate indicates that an inquest was held.  I guess I will add that to my list of items to locate.  I did locate a newspaper blurb from the Indianapolis Star:  In Cass County, George Poundstone, a farmer of Young America, was struck by lightening and killed.  "Buildings Overturned," The Indianapolis Star, 26 May 1918, p. 34, col. 4, Digital Images, Ancestry (Ancestry.com: Accessed 16 Jul 2010), Historical Newspaper Collection.

I also need to verify George's burial location.  The death certificate lists Forest Cemetery, Deer Creek, Indiana.  I was told that he was buried at the Center Cemetery, a "fact" my relative swears too - even knows that they have seen his headstone there.  I think I will work on George for a bit today and then enter in the information from the other death certificates.  Clues lead to clues, gotta love genealogy.


Anonymous said…
It is center cemetery in young america, not forest

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