52 Weeks To Better Genealogy - Challenge #37 Watch Roots Television

Roots Television (http://www.rootstelevision.com/index.html) is a great place to learn.  There are several videos that I have viewed prior to this challenge and a few new ones that I just viewed today.  What is wonderful about the Roots TV is that there are so many choices.  You can garner information on techie tools, research processes, lectures, census record, DNA research or catch up on the PBS Ancestors series. I have enjoyed all of the DNA episiodes.      

I decided to watch the video on Google Scholar:  Genealogy Style.  I decided to go ahead and plug in a few names into the search and see what I could find - nothing!  Not exactly true a distant cousin wrote a few books on the Methodist religion.  Then I decided to run a few searches on google books and I hit a gold mine.  My Aunt Loretta Skibbe had several entries.

I also took the time to watch the photo restoration and using a scanner videos.  Roots TV offers a way to brush up on some skills, obtain new skills and share in the hunt of ancestors with other.  I highly recommend tapping into this source for inspiration and information.  

Thanks to Amy Coffin of We Tree (http://wetree.blogspot.com/) for the challenge!


You're welcome! Glad you enjoyed this week's challenge.

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