Webinar - Mapping software for genealogists - AniMap, Centennia, and Map My Family Tree

Today I had the opportunity to attend a webinar sponsored by Legacy Family Tree and presented by Geoff Rasmussen. AniMap, Centennia , and Map My Family Tree software were covered.  

Animap shows historical county mapping. This is a wonderful tool for making sure you are researching in the correct location for your ancestor. Geoff also did a review of Legacy's mapping and alerts for counties. I frequently use Legacy's mapping tools in my research. Centennia software is a map-based guide to the history of Europe and the Middle East throughout the years. Centennia also includes what history was going on in the area during specific time periods. Map my Family Tree was the last topic Geoff covered. This software can show your family migration "live" through certain time periods with time scrolling. Geoff also had the software plot where his family members were born.

The most important lesson that Geoff shared was to know your jurisdiction for the time period you are researching. I think we all know this but don't always put that knowledge into practice.

This is the second webinar I have attended for information to make my genealogical hunt easier. I have to say I like webinars. I like the fact that I don't need to fight traffic, locate parking, or rush to get somewhere. Both of the webinars I attended offered information that did not require interaction on my part to further my knowledge. The drawbacks are lack of interaction and not meeting new people. I don't think that webinar's will ever replace a local seminar or conference, they will however give a lot a people learning opportunities that may have previously been unavailable to them.

The next webinar that Legacy is sponsoring is:
Helping Unlock the World’s Records – An Insider’s Perspective on FamilySearch Indexing
Wednesday, October 6, 2010 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT, you can register for the webinar and find out more information at 

Thanks Geoff for the excellent webinar.


Geoff said…
Thanks for the write-up. The webinar is now recorded for online viewing at www.legacyfamilytree.com/webinars.asp

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