Mystery Monday - Hannah Ditch, Starke and Pulaski Counties

Among my grandfather's papers my mother had kept is the tax receipt below.  The clues in the document (or what remains of the document) are the name of what was taxed - apparently Hannah Ditch Cause No. 8024 Starke Circuit Court, the location - either Starke or Pulaski Counties in Indiana, and a partial description SW SW - SW SE of Section 34-32-3 and the date, 28 June 1922.  A World War I Registration Card does show William A. Skibbe living in Denham, Pulaski County in the year 1917.  Census records in 1920 indicate he was living in Wayne, Starke, Indiana.  In 1924 his address was listed as Chicago, Cook, Illinois on one of his children's birth certificates.  Can anyone provide any clues to this receipt?


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