Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories - Travel

Our family never traveled at Christmas.  We hosted friends during holiday meals but family never came to visit on the holidays.  My father's family lived in southern Illinois about four hours away from us.  Really not too far away but my father is the one of his many siblings that decided to leave the area and head for Chicago.  My mother's family had passed away before I was born, with exception of her brother that died when I was young.

Our family always welcomed folks to our house to share a Christmas meal.  My brother and I frequently invited friend while we were in college and high school over along with my parents friends.  Now my husband I host Christmas for family and friends at our home.  I love being at home for the holidays and have my children come back for the holidays.  Maybe one day I'll travel but for now I am the hostess with the mostess just as my mother had been.


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