Arizona Family History Expo - I'm tired!

What a fun day.  I ran into Michelle Goodrum of while standing in line at the registration booth, and my day just got better and better!  Lisa Louise Cooke gave a wonderful opening speech inspiring us old dogs to learn some new tricks.  My next stop was  to Organizing Your Genealogical Research with Nancy E. Loe, MA, MLS.  Nancy had a unique way of labeling her files - I may start to use some of her tips but the thought of redoing everything is a little overwhelming.   If you change the name of a file you would need to relink it to your family history software, perhaps not a bad idea if it make things easier to locate.  Both Lisa Louise and Nancy spoke of Evernote so I think I will seriously need to give it a try.  Right before lunch I attended Tips and Tricks for using Family Search and then lunch near the blog house.  I reconnected with Colleen McHugh of and Mark Tucker of and Michelle Goodrum all folks that I had the privilege of  meeting at past genealogical events.  I also met Irene Winterburn of, I know she and I have a lot in common since we both work in the legal field tracking down folks for a living. 

After lunch I attended Using Tax Records to Establish Relationships with Leland Meitzler and I can honestly say this old dog did learn a couple of tricks during the lecture.  Then is was on to Arlene Eakle, Ph.D. and her presentation Track Hard to Find Southern Ancestors in Land and Property, again this old dog learned a few more tricks.  My last track of the day was Jean Wilcox Hibben, Ph.D. 's Clue to Clue:  Tracking a Family Across Time and Miles.  If you have not heard her speak, give her a try.  She is a very engaging speaker and I am sure you will enjoy listening to her. 

Lastly was the dinner featuring M. Bridget Cook "Handling (and even healing) the Skeletons in Your Genealogical Closet".  She too is a wonderful speaker and I look forward to reading her book.  I'm tired!  Time for bed for tomorrow is yet another fun learning day and meeting new people.


It was so great to meet a fellow dirt digger! Look forward to many more genealogy and blogger events with you!
Unknown said…
I'm glad you found my organizing session had some helpful things. Re renaming all your files, I don't mean to suggest that you have to use my exact format. If you have one that's working for you, please keep using it. The key is applying the names consistently.

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