Learning on the web - Webinars, RootsTV, and YouTube - Too Cool!

How awesome is it to get to attend a genealogy class sitting at home.  I have attended approximately ten webinars so far and I just love the convenience.  If you are looking for a chance to learn a few new tricks I would subscribe to GeneaWebinars at http://blog.geneawebinars.com.  This blogspot  is put together by Myrt, DearMYRTLE (otherwise known as Pat Richley).  Now I am sure that the blog's webinar listings do not include everything available in the world - Myrt certainly has round up a huge plethora of offerings.  She lists upcoming webinars and archived webinars that are still available for viewing. 

I like to keep an eye on Legacy and RootsMagic's webinars.  Legacy has some wonderful speakers including Thomas MacEntee (he's the man), Dear Mrytle, Janet Hovorka, Leland Meitzler, and of course Geoff Rasmussen.  RootsMagic offers a vast array of how to use their software webinars.  There are many other organizations and companies that have offerings including Ancestry, Family Search, Relative Roots, and Dear Mrytle.  Family Tree Magazine offers both free and paid webinars.  Ancestry was quite a few archived webinars on an array of topics sure to interest you.

Don't forget to check out RootsTV at www.rootstelevision.com. for genealogy videos on several subjects.  Look through the offerings and you'll see information on photos, scanning, citations, DNA and research to name a few.

YouTube also hosts genealogy videos.  You can listen to Lisa Louise Cooke of Genealogy Gems, view organization videos, Google for genealogy, DNA information..there are just too many to mention.  Check out the videos at www.youtube.com and enter genealogy in the search box to see what is available.


geneabloggers said…
Thanks Amy for the shout out! I love doing these webinars! Another one for me this week: Backing Up Your Genealogy Data!
I've enjoyed some of the webinars too but not nearly as many as you. I wish there were more hours in the day!

I need to check out YouTube more often. Thanks for the reminder.
Thanks for the information! I wasn't aware of this site. I'll be checking out all the webinars available!

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