Carroll County Indiana Historical Society - Poundstone Reunion Invitation 1929

I found an old invitation to the Poundstone Reunion at the Carroll County Indiana Historical Society.  I located it in the Hyman family file.

Poundstone Reunion again this year.
Come, every cousin, and be of good cheer,
The first Sunday in August, the fourth, if you please.
The year on-nine-two-nine, come, be at your ease.
For a little vacation, it'll do you all good;
And the Hoosiers again will furnish the food.
Of course, all of our homes will be open for guests,
So come from the east, south, north and the west.
We'll meet in the Young America school-house
Which stands on the corner of the first Poundstone farm.
In Cass County,  Indiana, a place we do love;
Come early, stay late, at the place stated above.
Young America is south of Logansport, in miles
Fifteen in number, a drive full of smiles.
North of Indianapolis you will find ity by sivty,
So don't get confused and go down to Dixie.
Please write the secretary that you are coming.
So we Hoosiers can have all things buzzing and humming.

Everett Zeck, Pres.
Route 2, Galveston, Ind

Mrs. Flora Williamson, Sec'y
Young America, Indiana


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