What a find! Newspaper 50 years later with death information!

I have been searching for death information for Daniel Hyman, 1830-1888, and finally found a record in the Logansport Pharos-Tribune (Indiana), 17 Feb 1938, Page 4 Col. 6.  The item was listed under the title "50 Years Ago" it read:
Daniel Hyman, an old and well
known Cass county resident, was
burled last Sunday at the cemetery
north of Young America. The
attendance was remarkably large,
from 2,000 to 2,500 people being on
the grounds, and 318 vehicles in
the procession.
Another newspaper tidbit dated the week of Daniel's burial -Logansport Pharos (Indiana), Feb 23 1888, 
Page 4, col. 3:
Resolutions of Respect.
No. 520, I. O. O. F.
LOGANSPORT, FEB. 17th, 1888.
Whereas, It has seemed good in the
wisdom of Almighty God,to remove from
us our esteemed brother, Daniel Hyman,
who died on the 10th day of February,
1888, therefore, be it
Resolved, That in the death of Brother
Daniel Hyman, our lodge has lost a
valued and devoted member.
Resolved, That the heartfelt sympathy
of this lodge be extended to the sons and
daughters, and the brothers and sisters
in their irreparable loss.
Resolved, That in token of respect of
our beloved brother, the lodge room be
appropriately draped in mourning for
the period of thirty days.
Resolved, That these resolution be
sent to each of the papers printed in the
county and the Logansport Pharos.
W. W. BLACK. )
NOAH MIXNICK, S Committee.
So now I know that he belonged to  an I.O.O.F. Lodge.  I found the two above items from NewspaperArchive, now it is time to play on a few other historical newspaper sites!  Wish me luck!


S. Lincecum said…
Very cool find. The one fifty years after the fact is serendipitous, indeed!

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