Tuesday's Tip - Try and Try Again

My mother is in town visiting Tucson so I sat her down and went over some of her family information.  I asked her when her parents were married, where, and who married them.  Her answer - I have no idea.  They never celebrated an anniversary.  I knew (or hoped) that their marriage was prior to their son William's birth in 1923. I wrote to the counties my grandfather had lived in Indiana, no records.  I wrote to Cook County in Illinois and had a record search performed - no record.

I had been running searches for their marriage month after month and put it a side for awhile.  After talking to Mom I ran a search on Ancestry.com today and guess what!  A marriage record for Clara Miottel and William Skibbe in the Cook County Illinois Marriage Indexes, 1914-1942.  The index lists a marriage date of September 14, 1921.  According to Ancestry they posted the marriage records 17 October 2011.  The lesson learned today - run those searches over and over until you have an answer.  Thinking back on it I probably should have calendared the search for the marriage record quarterly or semi annually instead of sporadic insane searches every now and then.  I think that I will sit down with my list of searches to do and do just that - calendar them and follow through.  You never know when that database will show up on Ancestry.com, FamilySearch.org or some other site as the records become available.  Ancestry's recently added databases listing can be found at http://www.ancestry.com/cs/reccol/default.

Now I need to send for the record and hopefully I will get the correct record.  After a negative response from the Clerk, a marriage license request for my parents that states they were married in a Catholic church (they were married in a Lutheran church) that was obviously incorrect - I am hoping for a real and correct record this time from the clerk.  Wish me luck.

"Cook County, Illinois Marriage Indexes, 1914-1942," database on-line, Ancestry.com (http://www.ancestry.com : accessed 10 October 2011), entry for Clara Miottel and William Skibbe, 14 September 1921, Cook County Register Serial No. 0922407.


A good point. There seem to be constant additons to all the sites. And setting up a reminder to conduct searches is a great idea. I also keep my eyes peeled to the Ancestry.com and FamilySearch blogs to find out when new records that may pertain to my lines are posted. Good luck with your search!

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