Advent Calendar – December 8, 2011

Did your family or ancestors make Christmas Cookies? How did you help? Did you have a favorite cookie?  Post 8 in the Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories hosted by

Ah cookies......Mom always made sugar cookies with us when we were younger.  I fondly remember baking cookies with Mom when we were younger.  I also remember the hot chocolate Mom made to have with our cookies.  The hot chocolate just doesn't taste the same unless Mom makes it.

When my own children were younger I enlisted their help, now with the kids out of the house Gary stepped in and helped to decorate them this year.  A new Urman tradition has been born - we are "the sugar cookie team".  I was in charge of rolling and Gary was in charge of decorating and overseeing the baking.

Juliana and I made cookie tins and trays just last night so it was a delight to see a cookie prompt for today.  Funny thing is I over baked this year.  We put the trays together for the gas station, national guard, friends and family and I still have left over cookies.  I started baking this year in October, perhaps next year I will keep to just the month of November and some of December.  I have been posting some of the more popular cookies recipes on Fridays on this blog under Family Recipe Friday. A big favorite is the Rolo Cookie Recipe which seems to win over anyone that tries them.  Anyone need a cookie fix?  My freezer is still stocked!


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