It's Saturday Night Genealogy Fun with Randy from Genea-Musing

Time for Saturday night fun with Randy Seaver at  Genea-Musing Genea-Musing
Here is the assignment if you choose to play along (cue the Mission Impossible music, please!):

1) What year was your paternal grandfather born?  Divide this number by 100 and round the number off to a whole number. This is your "roulette number."

2) Use your pedigree charts or your family tree genealogy software program to find the person with that number in your ancestral name list (some people call it an "ahnentafel"). Who is that person?

3) Tell us three facts about that person in your ancestral name list with the "roulette number."

4) Write about it in a blog post on your own blog, in a Facebook status or a Google Stream post, or as a comment on this blog post.

5) If you do not have a person's name for your "roulette number" then spin the wheel again - pick a grandmother, or yourself, a parent, a favorite aunt or cousin, or even your children!

Here are my answers:

1.  My paternal grandfather, Otis Elmer Clark, was born in 1892 (or 1891 the majority of evidence leads me to believe the 1892 date) divided by 100 and rounded off to a whole number - 18.92 or 19.

2.  Lucky number nineteen on my chart is.......Rachel Logue: born 29 Jan 1837 in , Knox, Ohio, United States; died 10 Jan 1911 in Avena, Fayette, Illinois, United States.  Her parents were John J. Logue and Sarah Larrison.

3.  Three facts about Rachel:

       Rachel died of Pyæmia and primary abcess right ankle in 1911 at the age of 73 which today would have been cleared up with a round of antibiotics.

       She was the parent of ten children:  William, Mary, Harriet,  James, Josephine, Rachel, Joseph, Laviana, Morris and Lewis.

        Was a resident of Avena (Howards Point) Illinois for over fifty years and raised her family  alone after the loss of her husband Morris in 1880.


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