1940's Census - Ancesty tools.

The wait is not over!  I had hoped to access the 1940 Census but a quick search of Ancestry shows that none of my areas have been uploaded!  Now I have finally received access to the 1940census.archives.gov (it took quite awhile to log into the site) and they also have not yet uploaded the areas I need to view.

In the meantime I do want to share with you some of the tools available at Ancestry for the 1940's census searcher.  First of all they have a chart of the progress of the 1940 Census.  Their chart my be found at Progress of the 1940 Census you will need to scroll down the page and locate the chart on the left hand side.

They also have a search to help locate your family and a 1940's-era records search (the 1940 Census is not included) at America 1940.  

You can also advise Ancestry of the states that you want to research at State Notification and they will email you when they are available.  Talk about a time saver!

You may wish to try Ancestry's U.S. Enumeration District Maps and Descriptions, 1940 to get a bird's eye look at where your family lived.  

While your waiting for your images to be uploaded do some exploring on Ancestry!


Thanks for the tip on Ancestry's state notifier. You are right - big time saver!

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