Ancestry 1940 Census Update............

Ancestry is predicting that they will have every page - approximately 3.8 million of them - posted not later than 2 p.m. EST this Friday.  What exciting news!

Ancestry has also been posting videos on YouTube to help you navigate through the census images.  Visit their videos at Ancestry YouTube videos.  Give the videos a try they are quite informative.

Ancestry is also making a presence on Facebook.  The release of the 1940 census has triggered a plethora new genealogy enthusiasts. Check the Events Tabs on Facebook for Livestream broadcasts and Tweet chat opportunities.  You can check it out at Ancestry Events Facebook.

The Ancestry Sticky Notes blog page is posting tips and tricks for the census.  They are also looking for stories and pictures.  You can  email them and they will be posted to Ancestry's 1940 Stories section and possibly to their interactive map. To view the interactive map visit  it at

Ancestry has been indexing since the images have been available.  I'll let you know when the first state is indexed and available.


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