Travel and research update

I am in Kings Mountain, North Carolina, the current home of my parents.   I have confiscated mom and dad's pictures and I have been busy scanning.  I can't wait to share some of the pictures I located.  I found one of my Uncle Bruce, my Aunt Maxine's high school graduation, some interesting pictures of my Aunt Wilma and Uncle John, some wonderful blackmail pictures of my cousins.  

I visited Illinois prior to North Carolina and had a wonderful time catching up with my family at the reunion. The picture above was shared by my Cousin Zena of her Grandfather, Grandmother, Aunts and Uncles.  My Grandfather Otis Clark was her Grandfather Charlie Dial's half brother.  

I visited the folks at the Decatur Genealogy Society Library in Decatur, Illinois. They have a nice sized library that includes periodicals, Illinois county books, state books, and clip files.  The best part of the library is the people that volunteer their time there.  I met Cousin Zena Richardson there and we met a new Durbin cousin that helped us make photo copies and research the Durbin line.  If you have a chance you can visit them at 1255 W. South Side Drive or visit their website at  Cousin Zena was so impressed she went a head and joined the society. 


Zena Richardson said…
Hey cuz. It is my Great Grandma and Grandpa. Helen Dial is my mommy. :-) Still miss you. Didn't have enough time together. I went to the Haslett reunion yesterday. That is Margaret Loretta Hissongs' mom was a Haslett - Cora Bell Haslett Hissong Zetsche. That is Margaret in the picture. Aunt Corie, Aunt Carrie and Aunt Fairy all went to the Haslett reunion and listened to the Band that played after the Reunion. It was John Durbins' band.
Amy Urman said…
Oops! That's right your great grandfather is my grandfather's half brother! Miss everyone too, I'll be back next year, can do without my yearly Illinois trip.

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