Otis and Ruby Clark 1940 Census

1940 United States Federal Census for Ruby Clark
1940 U. S. Census, Christian County, population schedule, Bear Creek, enumeration district (ED) 11-4, 3B (stamped), household 52, Family of Otis and Ruby Clark; digital images, Ancestry.com (http://interactive.ancestry.com/2442/M-T0627-00767-00083/140152369?backurl=http%3a%2f%2fsearch.ancestry.com%2fcgi-bin%2fsse.dll%3fMS_AdvCB%3d1%26rank%3d1%26new%3d1%26MSAV%3d2%26msT%3d1%26gss%3dangs-g%26gsfn%3druby%26gsfn_x%3d1%26gsln%3dclark%26gsln_x%3d1%26msypn__ftp%3dBear%2bCreek%252c%2bChristian%252c%2bIllinois%252c%2bUSA%26msypn%3d36700%26msypn_PInfo%3d8-%257c0%257c1652393%257c0%257c2%257c3247%257c16%257c0%257c606%257c36700%257c0%257c%26msypn_x%3dXO%26msypn__ftp_x%3d1%26cpxt%3d0%26catBucket%3drstp%26uidh%3dbf4%26cp%3d0%26pcat%3dROOT_CATEGORY%26h%3d140152369%26db%3d1940usfedcen%26indiv%3d1&ssrc=&backlabel=ReturnRecord : accessed 10 August 2012); Original data: United States of America, Bureau of the Census. Sixteenth Census of the United States, 1940. Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1940. T627, 4,643 rolls..

I finally located my grandparents, Otis and Ruby Clark in the 1940 Census.  I located the file by searching for Ruby Clark, nothing was found for Otis Clark in the Illinois area.  Why wouldn’t Otis not show up?  Because Ancestry’s transcriber listed his name as “Atio”.   Weird, I don’t even see how they could of guessed that one.  The 1940 Census finds the family living in Bear Creek, Christian County, Illinois.  My father thought perhaps they were living in Stonington or Morrisonville. 

Listed on the census were:
Atio (Otis) Clark, head, age 47, farm labor
Ruby Clark, wife, age 32
Maxine Clark, daughter, age 13
Harold Clark, son, age 9
Map of Christian County, Illinois
Brutus (Bruce) Clark, son, age 6
Lloyd Clark, son, age 5
Wilma Clark, daughter, age 3
David K Clark, son, age 9/12
I don’ recognize any of the family’s nearby.  My assumption is that they lived on some land that the farmer Grandpa worked for owned.  The census record indicates that the family had lived in the same place in 1935.  This would be the home that baby David Ross Clark would have been born, he was born and died in 1938.

Bear Creek was the place that the Durbin and Logsdon families settled.  I am still researching the Clark family that apparently came and settled in the area.  Grandpa Otis Clark’s mother was a Durbin.
BACK TO 1776
   Still in evidence are fragments of a log cabin
which was in ruins with the first recollection of
the oldest inhabitant and a cemetery are near.
There, gravestones bear inscriptions, rudely
cut, dating back to 1776.  Among the early
settlers were the Lees, Boyds, Vandeveres,
Simposons,Hewitts,Clarks, Murphys, Taylors,
Logsdons and Durbins, but it is claimed that
the Durbins and Logsdon families were many
years in advance of the other families.
"Durbin-Logsdon Settlement Down In Christian County," article, Decatur (Illinois) Daily Review, June 10, 1912.


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