What are your favorite genealogy blogs?

A prompt from Crista Cowan of  Ancestry.com  Aces Program  asked what are your five or six favorite genealogy blogs to read.  Boy it was hard to limit my favorites, I think I could have shared at least ten or fifteen genealogy blogs.  Here are my “favorite six”:

Randy Seaver shares research, thoughts, family, and tips on his blog.  I really enjoy his Saturday Night Genealogy Fun (SNGF) prompts.  I like the Legacy and RootsMagic posts about using  both of the software programs.   

Ancestry Insider
I really enjoy the Ancestry Insider,   Topics include Ancestry and FamilySearch updates and website information –

Greta’s Genealogy Bog
Tips for research,and tools.  Greta shares joys, problems, and pitfalls of family research.  Her blog also has research links for South Carolina, Texas and General Genealogy. 

Maintained by Dear Mrytle the blog lists webinar learning opportunities for genealogists.  I am always looking to learn something new.

What’s Past if Prologue
Great insight, wonderful subjects, Donna Pointkouski is a talented writer.

Marian’s Roots and Rambles
Marian always has some advice or interesting topics to share.  She is not afraid to tell it like it is and I really enjoy that about her.   She shares her researching thoughts and tips, many thazt I have incorporated into my own research.


Greta Koehl said…
Aww, thank you so much for the mention! Now I gotta get back to work to earn such kind praise....

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