Family History Expo - More to share

That's me on the left and Gena on the right!
I thought I would share a few more things this week regarding the past weekend's Expo.  It was a wonderful experience, how Holly Hansen manages to put this together every year is beyond me.  She is a superwoman!  I enjoyed so many speakers.  I had time to chat with Gena Philebert-Ortega.  Gena is a wonderfully speaker and blogger in the genealogy world.  If you have a chance check out one of her blogs - I really like Food Family Ephemera.

My Angel!  Claudia Zweifel
I also need to thank a fellow genie for finding my car keys.  I checked for my keys in the second to the last lecture and could not locate them.  I left the lecture and went back to the hotel and every place I had been during the conference - no luck!  Finally this sweet lady said are you sure you looked in your purse and I said at least twelve times!  I asked her to look in my purse and low and behold she found the keys!  Too bad it was after I had called my husband Gary in Tucson to come get me from Mesa but luckily he hadn't left yet.  So thank you my angel Claudia Zweifel!

I had a chance to hang out with some of my Pima County Genealogy Society members and it was a real pleasure to get to know them better.  During the rest of the week I will share some other "finds" from the conference.


It was great to see you Amy! Thanks for mentioning Food.Family.Ephemera and your kind words. I really appreciate it.
Sherri said…
What a lovely photo of you and Gena! The photographer must be gifted.:) We had a great time all together. And you wouldn't have needed Gary to come get you, could have hitched a ride home with us. Of course, I don't know how you would have got your car home.

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