Jamboree - I'm on overload!

I finally had a chance to get a full look around the exhibit hall.  I purchased a couple of DNA tests- beware Matt and Mom it's your turn to take the test.  Hopefully at some point I will be able to get some cousins tested.  We were lucky and found a few vendors willing to donate prizes for our Pima County Genealogy Society's upcoming seminar in October featuring Lisa Louise Cooke.

My two hour stint as a volunteer at the registration table went well.  I really enjoyed meeting and greeting folks as they checked in for the day.  Thanks SCGS for giving me a call in Tucson and getting me to agree to volunteer.

I also was happy to see my memories for the sixties and the picture I sent in to be enlarged and in the convention hall.  Later tonight we will be attending the "New Year's Eve" Party.

I bought a gift for my husband and was given a pen for my son-in-law as a thank you for his service in the Marines by the Uncle Ronnie thee penmaker.  The pens are made from used bras cartridges from World War II and later wars.

This afternoon brings more sessions by D. Joshua Taylor, and the Ask the ISOSG Experts about DNA and genealogy.


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