SCGS Jamboree: DNA and Family History
I am so excited to leave tomorrow with friends Leslie Carney and Michelle Launi to head to Burbank, California for the Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree and Family Hisotry and DNA Genetic Genealogy in 2014 conference. I am looking forward to learning more about new technology and advances in DNA and genealogy.
Some of my favorite people will be there - Lisa Louise Cooke, Gena Philibert-Ortega, Lisa Alzo, and Janet Hovorka. I am going to do my best to hear Rhonda McCure, CeCe Moore, Stephen Morse, and Judy Russell.
I decided to volunteer for a few hours at the registration check in on Saturday - hopefully I won't scare folks away! Leslie and I will be attending the Society Leadership Workshop - we are looking forward to learning how to bring the best to our Pima County Genealogy Society members. I have found an outfit for the Tie Dye Sunday and the sixties get together. Watch out - The Trio from Tucson will soon be in town.