The Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories (ACCM): Memories of our family Christmas Tree

Memories of our holiday tree.............

First and foremost were the German glass ornaments that we were not allowed to touch until we were in high school.  Always high up on the tree - the ornaments were collected by my mother's family.  I knew they were old and special to my mother and quite frankly they scared me.  I knew if one of them broke we were in big trouble.

One of the oddest things on our tree was our baby rattles.  Mom saved each of our rattles and used them as ornaments.  I don't know where my brother's are, I have my rattle on my tree.  I wish I would have thought to save my children's rattles to add to the tree.  Perhaps I can add my grandchildren's to mine one day.

My mother also added Hallmark ornaments to our tree.  She started buying one for each of us yearly.  When we moved out of the house we had a few ornaments to call our own. My favorite ornament was not a Hallmark, it is a Fozy Bear ornament my mother bought me at some point in the 1970's.  My mother also purchased several Paddington The Bear ceramic ornaments that grace our tree today.

Dad usually put the tree up the first week of December.  The tree was artificial due to the numerous allergies of trees in the house.  The key was to stay out of the living room while Dad was putting the tree up.  The branches were color coded with tape on the branches.  Every year some of the tape would fall off and Dad would put up some of the branches in the wrong places.  Mom supervised from the dining room which had Dad mumbling under his breath until the tree was in place.  The best part was decorating and putting up the tinsel (which included the annual throwing of the tinsel by my brother).  

“The Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories (ACCM) allows you to share your family’s holiday history twenty-four different ways during December! Learn more at”


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