2016 Cleaning up and honing my skills

2016 will be the year of "getting it together".

I have been shaping up my genealogy files for quite some time.  I have once again started a new database making sure my citations are correct, I am reviewing the sources and information I have in hand, and documenting every piece of information from each source.  The whole process has been rather willy-nilly – I hope to change my ways in 2016.  I am going to follow with both Dear Myrtle’s FINALLY Get Organized http://blog.dearmyrtle.com/p/finally-get-organized.html.

and Thomas MacEntee’s The Genealogy Do-Over through Geneabloggers and the Facebook group at http://www.facebook.com/groups/genealogydoover/
The Genealogy Do-Over Workbook can be ordered in Kindle format for $3.99 – visit http://www.geneabloggers.com/tag/genealogy-do-over/ for more information. 
I’ll probably drive myself crazy but I should end the 2016 year much more “together”. 
I am also “cleaning” up my skills…..

You can never stop learning.  There are so many wonderful education sources for genealogists.  The organization opportunities mentioned above will certainly lead to some new skills.   I heartily recommend the BU Genealogical Research course.  Currently I am enrolled in ProGen 28.  The ProGen has been great so far. I am learning and enjoy the others in my group.  SLIG starts January 11, I am enrolled in the land class.  I am not sure what to expect, this is my first time attending, but I do know that I am going to learn, meet new people, catch up with some old ones, and hone some mad skills.  The only thing that is making this Arizona girl unhappy is the January weather in Salt Lake City, brr...  


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