FINALLY Get Organized: Getting it done with DearMyrtle - Week one completed!

Technically I cheated.  I had a head start on some of the tasks Dear Myrtle had listed on her  #1 Weekly Organized Checklist.  I did need to order some supplies but I am otherwise ready for week 2.  If your interested in joining in visit  Here is my list of completed tasks:

þ  Clear off the computer desk and make piles for everything.  The piles have been sorted into:
          To be Filed          Letters/Email to write          Research to do          Photos - I have temporarily boxed up my photos.

þ  Check your office supplies, and replace any missing or lost items.
            Ordered additional 3-ring binders            Ordered Document and Photo storage boxes            Flash drive            Will purchase file box – to be kept under desk for filing and paper management.  All I need to do is convince a child or husband to take me to the store.  No driving since I broke my right ankle and tore up my left ankle.

þ  Set up your computer desk and office the way you want it
            I began redoing my office this past fall.  Upgrades made before the end of the year included a new desktop computer, a new portable drive, two monitors, a new printer, organized book shelves, catalog of all books on  I have arranged my desk, equipment and shelves to be functional in my everyday life.

 þ  Designate a special red clipboard to take down notes when you run into computer problems.
            I have a dedicated notebook in my desk drawer for this purpose.

 þ  Designate a special green clipboard as the “Genealogy Challenges” clipboard.  
    I  have a specific folder for my genealogy challenges.  I take the information from the folder to start a  research log in my genealogy software RootsMagic. 


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