A Little Saturday Night Fun

Randy Seaver at Genea-Musing has issued this Saturday Night Challenge:

1)  Determine where your ancestral families were on 25 June 1866 - 150 years ago.
2)  List your ancestors, their family members, their birth and death years, and their residence location (as close as possible).  Do you have a photograph of their residence from about that time, and does the residence still exist?

3)  Tell us all about it in your own blog post, in a comment to this post, or in a Facebook Status or Google+ Stream post.

Morris Clark (born was living in Petty, Lawrence, Illinois with his parents Henry and Frances and siblings Martha, Virginia, and Lene.

Morris Durbin was living in Howards Point (Avena), Fayette, Illinois with his wife Rachel nee Logue.  They had sons William, James, and daughters Mary Elizabeth and Harriet Durbin. 

Gustav Skibbe and Johanna nee Misch were living in Prussia.  Their son Wilhelm Gustav was born in 1857, making him nine years of age.  At is possible that Wilhelm had a brother by the name of George who was a few years younger.

Julia Skibbe nee Panzer was also living in Prussia.  In 1866, Julia would have been two years of age. Her father's first name is unknown, however, she was living with her mother Emilie Isles.

Theodor Miottel was six years of age in 1866, living in Lauenburg, Prussia. He was living with his parents August Miottel and Henrietta nee Kramp and his siblings Johan and Reinhold.  

Ferdinand Schuck and his new wife Caroline immigrants in the Chicago area.  They left Lauenburg, Prussia in 1854. 


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