FGS 2016

I am so excited for the FGS conference in Springfield, Illinois.  I will be driving from Arizona about two weeks prior to the conference. The best part about getting there earlier will be visiting with family before the conference.  I will be picking up a picture of my grandfather from a cousin, my dad's yearbooks, and who knows how many other treasures I will find.

I have been working on my list of repositories and listing what documents I need to search for.  I have also contacted an aunt and some cousins so that I may scan their items.  I am also working up some interview questions for my family members.

My best friend will be traveling to the conference and will be in Springfield the Sunday before.  I am looking forward to playing hostess for the area.  I plan on dragging her to all my favorite places. 

I will be sharing my lists of favorite places to research along with my favorite places to visit in in coming blog posts.


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