2017 Happy New Year

In 2015 my eldest daughter died - I was positive that 2016 would be a better year.  Well, January 1st 2016 I broke one ankle and dislocated the other. The entire year of 2016 was spent recovering.  I had surgeries, a lot of recouping, learned to walk again, and quite frankly spent a bit of time being numb. On a positive note I had time to spend on my ProGen assignments. I also had time to complete some courses at the National Institute of Genealogical Studies.  I did learn that one one should not put finishing touches on a presentation while under the influence of pain killers.  2016 was  probably the most difficult year to be a sole owner of a company.  I had to rely on my family and friends to drive me around which is a little difficult when one is a Private Investigator.

I am positive that 2017 will be an an improvement over 2016.  I am looking forward to a much healthier year.  My first genealogical talk will be on January 18 for the Voyager Genealogists.  I am doing one of my favorites talks, The Paper Trail of Death.....

SLIG will take place later in January and I will be torturing Rick Sayre and Judy Russell while I dive into The Family History Law Library.

This year's blog post's will include my "findings" and "treasures" located on the way to the FGS Conference in Springfield in 2016.  I had several stops along the way and found quite a few records.
I cannot wait to share my finds.


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