Meet ups at NGS #2017GEN

At just about every conference, groups attempt to meet up.  The meetups allow group members a chance to meet people that they have never met in person and allow for new friendships and business acquaintances.  It also gives members of the groups that are acquainted with each other to catch up with one another.

I am not familiar with all the groups.  I do attempt to attend meetups involving ProGen - which this conference will be meeting on May 11th, 5:00 pm in room 307 of the conference center.  If you are or were part of a ProGen Study Group please RSVP with hosts Angela McGhie and Greg Lovelace at

Check and see if any of your groups are meeting up.  Groups that usually meet up are DAR, APGEN [Associtation of Professional Genealogist], Geneabloggers, societies, BU [Boston University].


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