Hooray! I just received copies of both my great grandfathers naturalization papers. Both Theodore Miottel and Wilhelm Skibbe were both naturalized through the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois. I now have the copies in hand and will make copies for my relatives - what a great Christmas present. My mother's cousin is in her seventies and had been unsuccessful in her search for Wilhelm's paperwork. She is going to be thrilled. Both of us spent a great deal of time searching for the court papers, Wilhelm and family farmed in Indiana. Naturally we kept looking in Indiana for records. It was just a fluke to find them in Chicago!
Poundstone Family death certificates
The death certificates arrived yesterday. John Newton Poundstone's DC was signed by his wife Charlottie. Information provided includes length of stay in this place (Cerro Gordo, Illinois) 73 years; occupation: common laborer; DOB; DOD; burial date; cemetery - Cerro Gordo; funeral home - Freese Funeral Service of Cerro Gordo; and cause of death: carcinoma of the stomach, chronic myocarditis. Ora Pearl Poundstone's DC was signed by his son Herbert. Address noted of 801 N Morgan Street, Bement, Piatt, Illinois - length of residence thirty years. Occupation: drayman for the Bement Grain Company. SSN; DOB; DOD; burial date; cemetery - Bement Cemetery; funeral home - Roux Funeral Home in Bement; and cause of death carcinoma of the sigmoid (colon), chronic myocarditis. The brothers John Newton (85) and Ora Pearl (84) both died in their eighties with similar causes of death. Their father Richard Poundstone's information was provided by son Ora Pearl. Richard died