I feel like I am running around in circles trying to locate my Grandparents wedding information. My mother does not remember her parents anniversary, her siblings have passed, and I have been unable to locate any living relatives with any usable information. I know that they must have been married sometime between the conclusion of the 1920 census and the birth of their first child in 1923. No records have been located in Chicago. Perhaps I need to check Indiana records.
Poundstone Family death certificates
The death certificates arrived yesterday. John Newton Poundstone's DC was signed by his wife Charlottie. Information provided includes length of stay in this place (Cerro Gordo, Illinois) 73 years; occupation: common laborer; DOB; DOD; burial date; cemetery - Cerro Gordo; funeral home - Freese Funeral Service of Cerro Gordo; and cause of death: carcinoma of the stomach, chronic myocarditis. Ora Pearl Poundstone's DC was signed by his son Herbert. Address noted of 801 N Morgan Street, Bement, Piatt, Illinois - length of residence thirty years. Occupation: drayman for the Bement Grain Company. SSN; DOB; DOD; burial date; cemetery - Bement Cemetery; funeral home - Roux Funeral Home in Bement; and cause of death carcinoma of the sigmoid (colon), chronic myocarditis. The brothers John Newton (85) and Ora Pearl (84) both died in their eighties with similar causes of death. Their father Richard Poundstone's information was provided by son Ora Pearl. Richard died