On a roll! I just finished going through about six more families and their documents (approximately 40 more pieces). I have everything in order, checked, cited and scanned into my genealogy database.. I backed up my data and put both an archive cd and flash drive in the safe along with my families most precious documents. I ordered archival storage for both the photos and documents. Photos that have been scanned are in waterproof containers. I have completed Task E for the month, Task B is almost completed, Task D is almost done and should be completed fairly quickly since I a college student daughter looking for ways to make money. Juliana is much faster at scanning and citing than I am. I have organized my research, completed task A, B, C. So far I have accomplished: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Diamond and Platinum in the Go Back and Cite Your Sources! Bronze, Silver , Gold in the Back Up Your Data category . Gold Medal (tasks A, B, & C) in the Organize Your Res