Today I pulled out my documents concerning my Clark/Poundstone line (MRIN #3). I have written the correct citations on all of the paperwork, marriage certificate, certificates of death and birth, newspapers clippings and everything else filed under MRIN#3. I have also correctly updated my genealogy database with the corrected citations. After several hours, mostly double checking to see if I have everything correct, I am done with that file - 63 pieces of family history correctly cited!!!!!!! Then I backed up my data on my external hard drive, and looked up information on storage on the web.
If I figure this correctly I have accomplished a Platinum medal in the Go Back and Cite Your Sources and Task C - Gold Medal under the Back Up Your Data event. I put in a good start to Task A, will start on Task B in the morning I hope!
If I figure this correctly I have accomplished a Platinum medal in the Go Back and Cite Your Sources and Task C - Gold Medal under the Back Up Your Data event. I put in a good start to Task A, will start on Task B in the morning I hope!